Name SRS logo

Brand Communication Package!

Name SRS logo

To separate the brand from its surroundings, the distance between the logo outer outer border to the nearest other elements shall always be as wide as the letter n of the logo.


Name and Internet Service Provider


Name and Internet Service Provider


Name ISP is the one service provider for all your domain names. A powerful yet easy to use control panel gives you access to all the top level domain names, services and options that you need. It all starts with a domain name!

HEX #d22630
RGB 210/38/48
PMS 1795 C
CMYK 0/96/93/2
HEX: #000
RGB 0/0/0
PMS Process Black
CMYK 0/0/0/100

HEX: #fff
RGB 255/255/255
CMYK 0/0/0/0

Primary Font

Name: Montserrat
Type: Open
Source: Google Fonts

Secondary Font

Name: Open Sans
Type: Open
Source: Google Fonts